QueryAttribute and FilterLayoutAttribute


namespace: MvcControlsToolkit.Core.DataAnnotations

The QueryAttribute enables queries (grouping, sorting, filtering) on a ViewModel property, and specifies which query operations are allowed. Allowed operations are described by the QueryOptions flag enum:

public enum QueryOptionsuint
{ None = 0, Equal = 1, NotEqual = 2, LessThan = 4, LessThanOrEqual = 8, GreaterThan = 16,
    GreaterThanOrEqual = 32, StartsWith = 64,
    EndsWith = 128, Contains = 256, IsContainedIn = 512,
    Search =1024, OrderBy=2048, GroupBy=4096, AllFilters = 1023, All = 8191}

More specifically, the QueryAttribute has two QueryOptions properties: Allow, and Deny. It allows all operations contained in Allow and not contained in Deny.

These properties have the following defaults:

Allow = QueryOptions.Equal |
    QueryOptions.LessThan |
    QueryOptions.LessThanOrEqual |
    QueryOptions.GreaterThan |
    QueryOptions.GreaterThanOrEqual |
    QueryOptions.NotEqual |
    QueryOptions.StartsWith |
    QueryOptions.EndsWith |
    QueryOptions.IsContainedIn |
    QueryOptions.Contains |
    QueryOptions.OrderBy |
Deny = QueryOptions.IsContainedIn |
    QueryOptions.Contains | QueryOptions.Search;

All methods that verifies permissions automatically subtract all operations that make no sense for the property type (for instance, StartsWith for a not string)

The developer may customize allowed operations either by replacing the values of Allow and/or Deny, or by using the Add and Remove properties. More specifically all bit flags assigned to the Add property are added to the bit flags already contained in Allow, while all bit flags assigned to Remove are added to the ones already contained in Deny.

Below some examples:

  • [Query(Deny = QueryOptions.None)]
    string AString { getset; }
  • [Query(Allow = QueryOptions.StartsWith)]
    string AString { getset; }
  • [Query(Remove = QueryOptions.GroupBy)]
    string AString { getset; }

In a templated control the operations stated in a QueryAttribute may be further constrained by using the column query-constraints attribute


namespace: MvcControlsToolkit.Core.DataAnnotations

The FilterLayoutAttribute specifies how many filter conditions to render for a property in a filter window, and for each condition it further constrains the allowed filter operations. All constraints are specified through a QueryOptions params array. The number of conditions rendered corresponds to the length of the array. If no FilterLayoutAttribute is provided, or if the lenght of the QueryOptions array is 0, a single filter condition is rendered.

[FilterLayout(QueryOptions.GreaterThan, QueryOptions.LessThan)]
public DateTime? ADate { getset; }

With the above settings two filter conditions are rendered, that together specifies a date interval.

In a templated control the setting of a FilterLayoutAttribute may be completely overriden by using the column filter-clauses attribute

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