Your first grid
Open the project of the previous tutorial. Since, now we need a database, if not already done, please apply all pending migrations to the database.
Open the Package Manager Consolle, go to to your web project folder with:
cd src\YourApplicationName
, and execute dotnet ef database update
Now we create a Products table. Add the following model to you project:
public enum Currency { [Display(Name = "$")] Dollar, [Display(Name = "€")] Euro, [Display(Name = "£")] Pound, [Display(Name = "¥")] Yen }; public class Product { public int Id { get; set; } [MaxLength(256)] public string Description { get; set; } [MaxLength(128)] public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } public Currency ChosenCurrency { get; set; } public bool Available { get; set; } }
Then open Data\ApplicationDbContext.cs and add the following property to the Application DBContext:
public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }
Add a new migration say "business1" with: dotnet ef migrations add business1
and update the DB again: dotnet ef database update
Now that we have a new DB table, let select "View Data" on the new table in Sql Server Object Explorer, and add some rows.
We need also 2 item ViewModels, one for the list mode, and the other for the detail mode:
public class SimpleProductViewModel { public int? Id { get; set; } [MaxLength(128)] [ColumnLayout(DetailWidthsAsString = "100 50")] [Required] [Display(Name = "Name", Order = 400)] public string Name { get; set; } [ColumnLayout(DetailWidthsAsString = "60 30")] [Display(Name = "Price", Order = 300)] public decimal Price { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Cur", Order = 280)] [ColumnLayout(WidthsAsString = "10", DetailWidthsAsString = "40 20")] public Currency ChosenCurrency { get; set; } [ColumnLayout(DetailWidthsAsString = "20")] [Display(Name = "Av", Order = 230)] public bool Available { get; set; } } public class SimpleProductViewModelDetail: SimpleProductViewModel { [MaxLength(256)] [Display(Name = "Description", Order = 100)] [ColumnLayout(DetailWidthsAsString = "80")] [DisplayFormat(NullDisplayText = "no description available")] public string Description { get; set; } }
We need also an overall View ViewModel:
public class SimpleProductlistViewModel { public DataPage<SimpleProductViewModel> Products { get; set; } }
Now we may create our repository class, by inheriting form the CRUDRepository:
public class ProductRepository : DefaultCRUDRepository<ApplicationDbContext, Product> { private ApplicationDbContext db; public ProductRepository(ApplicationDbContext db) : base(db, db.Products) { this.db = db; } }
In this very simple example our repository doesn't add further methods.
Now it is time of our controller. We will inherit from ServerCrudController<VMD, VMS, D>. This way we have all grid ajax operations already in place with no need to write further code:
public class GridsController : ServerCrudController<SimpleProductViewModelDetail, SimpleProductViewModel, int?> { public GridsController(ProductRepository repository, IStringLocalizerFactory factory, IHttpContextAccessor accessor) : base(factory, accessor) { Repository = repository; } [ResponseCache(Duration = 0, NoStore = true)] public async Task<IActionResult> ReadonlyServer() { var model = new SimpleProductlistViewModel { Products = await Repository.GetPage<SimpleProductViewModel>( null, q => q.OrderBy(m => m.Name), 1, 20) }; return View(model); } }
Finally, add a View for the ReadonlyServer
action method with the SimpleProductViewModel
ViewModel, and with the following code:
<grid asp-for="Products.Data" type="Immediate" all-properties="true" mvc-controller="typeof(LiveExamples.Controllers.GridsController)" row-id="readonly-example" operations="user => Functionalities.ReadOnly | Functionalities.ShowDetail" class="table table-condensed table-bordered" />
and with the following js scripts:
@section Scripts { <script src="~/lib/mvcct-controls/mvcct.controls.min.js"></script> <script src="~/lib/mvcct-controls/modules/mvcct.controls.ajax.min.js"></script> <script src="~/lib/mvcct-controls/modules/mvcct.controls.serverGrid.min.js"></script> }
Done! Now add a link in the _Layout page as in the previous tutorial and run it!
Our readonly grid shows als data items in detail mode, with a smart layout!